------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ m3-6 FTP 1.0.3 by mister.3.6@free.fr ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ 1. Description : - The first goal of this application was to be the smallest FTP Server for MS windows. - Today, it's a simple and small FTP server. 2. Installation : - run the smallftpd.exe - check configuration, create user accounts, - press "play". 3. Features : - Multi-threaded FTP server - Active / Passive mode - Multi-users - Manage List, Read & Write rights for every user - Advanced filesystem. 4. List of supported commands : - ABOR, CDUP, CWD, DELE, LIST, MKD, PASS, PASV, PORT, PWD, QUIT, REST, RETR, RMD, RNFR, RNTO, SIZE, STORE, SYST, TYPE, USER. 5. History : - 1.0.3 Fix (May 21st 2003) : * Fixed a stupid bug concerning transfer performances. * disabled debug logging - 1.0.3 : * Fixed major security bug (http://securitytracker.com/alerts/2003/Apr/1006685.html) * Fixed bug when trying to retrieve a file that does not exist * window position is saved * display a live estimation of transfer rate in GUI * fixed minor bugs - 1.0.2 : * fixed several [major] bugs * some UI improvements * ABOR command is now correctly managed. - 0.93 alpha : * Better UI, window minimizes in systray. * Better log system. All transfers are logged in transfers.log - 0.9 alpha ( June 2002 ) : * First operational version * Added Rename files/folders feature * Manage user virtual filesystem * Added an inactivity timeout - 0.5 ( May 2002 ) : * Added Rename files/folders feature (RNFR & RNTO) * Added Delete files feature (DELE) * Added Create/delete folder (MKD & RMD) - 0.3 ( May 2002 ) : * Configuration is now automatically loaded and saved in a .ini file. * Added button icons for ftp running & stopped. * Added a List box showing users connected. - 0.2 ( April 2002 ) : * Passive mode added. * Also fixed some bugs. - 0.1 ( January 2002 ) : * very first version. * Active mode is supported. 6. Next features : - Manage Max number of threads per user / total threads. - Reduce Memory taken by process - prevent users from hammering. - restrict access by IP - check for memory problems. Check Memory overflow possible problems. - use CopyMemory, MoveMemory, etc... in order to reduce the size of the .exe file. - respect the RFC - improve SECURITY ! - ...